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Government Programs
Integrated technology, solutions, and services that support rapid innovation within the DoD ecosystem.

CMMC Preparation & Assessment
Cybersecurity Assurance Readiness (CSAR/RMF Pro)
ATO/RMF Support

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Professional Services
Expertise in security strategy, incident response readiness, policy development, and risk assessments.

Risk Assessments
Penetration Testing

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Digital Forensics & Incident Response
Are You Under Attack?

If you are concerned about a potential threat or are experiencing a breach, contact our 24/7/365 emergency hotline at 888-860-0452.


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Ingalls Information Security

At our core, Ingalls is a company that strives to be helpful to our clients while continuously innovating and evolving our technology and solutions. Since 2010, we have been dedicated to building a team and product that can stay steps ahead of threats, attacks, and vulnerabilities in an ever-changing landscape.

Meet The Leadership Team

Digital Forensics and
Incident Response

Whether your incident is the result of a hacker, malware, advanced persistent attack, or a negligent employee, Ingalls Information Security is prepared to respond quickly to security incidents with our incident response team. Our certified security and forensic experts can help you contain the situation and determine your next steps. 

Under Attack?

If you are concerned about a potential breach or if you are currently experiencing a breach and require immediate assistance, call our 24x7x365 emergency hotline at 888-860-0452.

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Core Capabilities

Incident Response Services

Incident Response Planning & Readiness

IR Retained Services Agreements (with 24 hour response)

Digital Forensics & Expert Witness Testimony


Data Breaches Happen. It's What You Do Next That Matters Most.

Even with the best controls in place, a security incident can still happen. Whether you’ve got clear indication of impact to your organization due to a data breach, or you suspect that unauthorized access has occurred, we’re here to help. 

Ingalls has spent the last decade guiding our breach clients from crisis to business continuity. Our primary goal is to get our clients back to the day before the incident occurred, as quickly as possible. We know that the faster we can return our clients to normal, the less impactful a breach will be.

Our data breach investigations are performed by digital forensics experts with decades of combined experience solving complex cybersecurity incidents. We deploy a suite of tools using a process that follows the National Institute of Standards (NIST) guidelines for Incident Response, so that we can quickly contain, investigate, and eradicate any attacker presence that we discover in our client’s environment.

Why Ingalls

15 critical Steps Your Organization Must Take to Respond and Recover From a Breach

Whether you’re facing a data exposure incident, a business email compromise, or a dreaded ransomware attack, there are steps that you can take to help your organization respond and, hopefully, recover from the incident.

Download our "How to Respond When You've Been Breached" guide to learn more.



We Perform Incident Response in 4 Stages

Regardless of the amount of preparation, any organization can expect to be disrupted until an incident has been investigated, contained, and remediated. Even after these critical steps have occurred, continuity issues can remain while the organization researches and prepares to notify affected stakeholders in order to comply with State, Federal, and industry specific notification requirements. This makes proper investigation and reporting of the incident a critical factor in how quickly an organization can recover and notify stakeholders appropriately.



Stage 1: Initial Response & Triage

During this phase, we determine the scope of the breach and thoroughly investigate the environment in which the breach occurred. Based on the data, we develop a strategy to contain, eradicate and fix the site to prevent future breaches.


Stage 2: Containment

During the Containment phase, we limit the amount of damage caused by the attack and work to isolate the breach to the affected system.

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Stage 3: Investigation

We get to the root cause of the breach. Once uncovered, we work to expel the attacker from the environment and keep them from coming back.

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Stage 4: Remediation

Once we get the attacker out and the damage resolved, we address the weakness that allowed the attacker to get into the environment in the first place.


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