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Ingalls Information Security

At our core, Ingalls is a company that strives to be helpful to our clients while continuously innovating and evolving our technology and solutions. Since 2010, we have been dedicated to building a team and product that can stay steps ahead of threats, attacks, and vulnerabilities in an ever-changing landscape.

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- Case Study -

Valex Federal Credit Union Stays Ahead of Sophisticated Attack Vectors With Ingalls


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Alexandria, LA

Customer Since


About Valex Federal Credit Union

Valex Federal Credit Union (VFCU) has dedicated years to serving the employees of the VA hospital. By 2018, VFCU experienced a pivotal expansion, merging with two other credit unions, broadening its membership diversity. With this evolution came the amplified responsibility to safeguard sensitive member data, ranging from credit card numbers to Social Security details.

Valex Federal Credit Union

The Challenge

Financial institutions have always been prime targets for malicious actors due to the significant wealth of sensitive data they handle. As technology advances and operations become increasingly digitized, the financial sector faces increasingly complex security issues. VFCU identified the following as key challenges they needed to address:

  • Protecting Sensitive Data: Financial institutions like VFCU house vast amounts of critical member information across diverse platforms. With consumers becoming more aware of their data rights, financial institutions must not only protect data from breaches but also ensure transparent and ethical data handling practices.

  • Sophisticated Attack Vectors: Cybercriminals now use highly advanced techniques, including spear-phishing, ransomware, and sophisticated malware to compromise systems. Zero-day vulnerabilities — previously unknown software vulnerabilities — present an ever-evolving threat landscape. With the burgeoning cyber threats targeting financial data, VFCU recognized the need for advanced cybersecurity measures to avoid becoming a tempting target for cyber adversaries.

  • Cloud Migration and Software Integrations: With the benefit of expanding and growing comes the increased issues of efficiency and scalability. VFCU needed to deploy a range of software solutions for their operations while ensuring seamless integration without creating security gaps.

We didn't want to become a target. Partnering with Ingalls was a no-brainer for us. Their proactive approach, combined with swift issue resolution, has provided us with the added value and support we needed. Thanks to them, we sleep great at night.
Chris Chelette
Chris Chelette
CEO of Valex Federal Credit Union

The Solution

Understanding the paramount importance of cybersecurity, VFCU sought a knowledgeable partner that stood at the cutting edge of cybersecurity. The choice was clear: Ingalls Information Security. With Ingalls’ expertise, VFCU initiated a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy that included:

  • Penetration Testing: To discover and rectify vulnerabilities before they could be exploited by malicious entities.

  • Risk Assessments: Evaluating the credit union's current security posture and recommending enhancements.

  • Zero Point Intrusion Prevention: One of the highlighted features of Ingalls' offering, ensuring that any suspicious activity is immediately detected and quarantined, thus bolstering VFCU’s defenses against breaches.

The Outcome

Partnering with Ingalls Information Security, VFCU strengthened its cybersecurity foundation while ensuring members' trust remained intact and operations ran smoothly.

Swift Issue Resolution and Robust Infrastructure Enhanced Cybersecurity Posture

Whenever VFCU encountered a challenge or raised a query, Ingalls was quick to act thanks to an efficient ticketing system that provided prompt, immediate service. Their dedicated team ensured that most of the issues VFCU faced were resolved within the first two hours. This not only reduced potential downtimes but also fostered an environment of trust between VFCU and Ingalls.

The Zero Point Intrusion Prevention system, a key feature of Ingalls’ offering, enabled VFCU to detect and respond to threats in real-time. Suspicious activities were quarantined immediately, ensuring that VFCU's sensitive data remained uncompromised. This proactive approach significantly reduced the risk of data breaches and unauthorized accesses.

With penetration testing and risk assessments, VFCU's infrastructure became more resilient. Potential vulnerabilities were identified and patched, ensuring that the system could withstand sophisticated attacks.

Increased Operational Efficiency With Emphasis on Education and Training 

Ingalls Security's partnership with VFCU went beyond merely resolving tickets. Their mutual understanding of the importance of time and resource conservation meant streamlined processes and efficient resolution strategies. There was a clear focus on ensuring that the bank's operations were not disrupted, and the credit union could maintain its service quality without interruptions.

Alongside the active defenses put in place, Ingalls provided VFCU with insights and best practices in cybersecurity. This knowledge transfer empowered VFCU's in-house teams to maintain best practices and stay updated on emerging threats.

Peace of Mind for Management, Strengthened Trust for Members and Customers

While the tangible outcomes of the partnership were numerous, one of the most significant intangible benefits was the peace of mind that VFCU's leadership and stakeholders experienced. Knowing that they had fortified defenses and a responsive partner in Ingalls, VFCU could focus on its core operations and growth, confident in the safety of its digital assets.

In the competitive world of financial institutions, trust is paramount. VFCU's members noticed the heightened security measures and appreciated the lengths the credit union went to in ensuring their data's safety. This led to increased member satisfaction and loyalty, further cementing VFCU's position in the market.


The Results


Ingalls Products

Managed Extended Detection & Response (MXDR)

Continuous External Penetration Testing

Risk Assessments


Download the Case Study

Read how Ingalls helped Valex Federal Credit Union discover and rectified vulnerabilities before they could be exploited by malicious entities. Click below to download the PDF.

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